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Dear Dr Rossi,

More and more often on JournalOfNuclearPhysics, I see questions addressed to you about the types of loads that the E-Cat is able to “manage”.

Regarding this “topic” I believe I can provide some very important indications.

Thanks to the integration and demo of the E-Cat EV on my Twizy, I had the opportunity to use, under its control, on September 6 and 7, 2024, a 3kW E-Cat.

Much has been said and written about the demonstration at the Latina racetrack on September 27, 2024, as has also been done about the test on the roller bench on September 7, 2024 (8 hours of testing at the same power used in the Latina demonstration of the E-Cat EV).
Much less has been written/said about the tests carried out by Us on September 6, 2024 in my Box, while we “integrated” the E-Cat into my Twizy to carry out, the following day, the test on the roller bench (in those 2 days the Ecat always remained under my “control/sight”, and on the night of September 6, at the end of the joint activity, in preparation for the test on the “rollers”, it remained closed in my box inside the Twizy) Before describing in detail what was done on September 6, 2024, I would like to make a premise:

Certifier of the Latina Demonstration

1) before we met for the “integration”, I already knew that I would be the “certifier” of the Latina Demonstration. The apks and hw that I created to monitor and manage the output from the E-Cat, the input in the Twizy and its consumption as well as that of Twizy #2 were created by me precisely for this purpose and that is to be able to recover and provide objective, measured and irrefutable data on the 2 Twizys.

2) before we met I knew that I could NOT look inside the E-Cat BOX, nor take specific measurements of any kind.

Since “our” first official contact (my written proposal to use my Twizy for the demonstration of the E-Cat EV as I would have been able to integrate the E-Cat into the “Auto system” of my Twizy thanks to my vertical skills on the Twizy and Electrical/Electronic/Sw Development skills that I have!!!), my only goal was the same as I imagine all the people who have been following you for years and therefore follow the evolution of your E-Cat have: And that is to understand if the E-Cat NGU does what it promises.

Verify the characteristics of the E-Cat

I knew that the demo of the E-Cat Ev would be for me the “unique” opportunity to “verify” some of the “characteristics/peculiarities” of the E-Cat… I just had to create “the right context” to be able to do some “extra tests” in addition to those previously planned with you for the “integration”, and in case of success, for the demo in Latina.

I therefore organized myself to AUTONOMOUSLY REALIZE, and therefore have it at my disposal the day before the test on the roller bench (September 6, 2024), everything necessary and in plug & play format (so as to waste as little time as possible) to do these FURTHER tests that I had in mind.

When we met, I would have proposed these ideas of mine on “additional tests” with the hope that these would be accepted by you 🙂


After having verified that the many weeks of “separated” work (Yours, Your Team and Mine) dedicated to the E-Cat EV project, had given the expected results (Your E-Cat, thanks to my Electronics, was perfectly integrated into the “Twizy system” and therefore the next day we could have done the tests on the roller bench), in a very collaborative and “far-sighted” way You gave me “the consent and the opportunity” to carry out the tests that I described to you that same day, with the Instrumentation and the Environment that I had very “meticulously” prepared ;).

E-Cat Applications to proove

Here is what I had prepared/made/rented:

1. Heating Resistor

A heating resistor system with “running water” cooling to verify that the E-Cat could be used as a “heating source” (in my box there is a sink with a water tap and a drain for draining water on the floor)

2. & 3. E-Cat Wallbox charging Volkswagen E-Up

A trolley, therefore transportable, called E-Cat WallBo , completely made by me and completely controllable Wireless in power that taking DC input from the E-Cat could recharge, without any problem, a Full Electric Car (BEV) according to the T2 standard (Type 2) and at the same time was able to provide AC 220/110 50/60hz electrical power, without any problem, to various types of load (resistive, inductive etc)

Rented a BEV Electric Car and specifically a Volkswagen E-Up to use “as a Load” for the E-Cat WallBOX

4.E-Cat as PowerSupply

A 500w power drill and a 2Kw fan heater to verify that the E-Cat WallBox interconnected to the E-Cat, with its additional 220/110V AC output was able to drive, without any problem, total powers of that type and that is resistive/inductive loads.

I take advantage of this “post” of mine to thank you, DR. Rossi, for giving me the opportunity to do under your supervision this “further type of tests”, ALL OF WHICH HAVE GAVE POSITIVE RESULTS.

In my previous messages, here and on ECW I said that on September 6, 2024 I took “similar” powers from the E-Cat to those of the E-Cat EV demo for 2 hours (which added to the 8 hours of the test on the roller benches make 10 hours of “withdrawal” energy from the E-Cat to the powers of the demo, with the E-Cat always under my control/sight).
The 2 hours of Energy withdrawal from the E-Cat are to be considered “effective”, while as Elapsed, all the tests carried out, which I will describe below, required just over 3 hours, obviously considering the times of set-up and execution of the various tests.

Here is how the Test protocol was carried out.

Heating Resistor & the E-Cat

1) Through my Electronics (I remember that by pressing the button on the side of the box you can exclude all the “specificities and behaviors” necessary for the management and integration of/in the Twizy) which gives me total control of the Energy emitted by the E-Cat, including the quantity produced, we interconnected the E-Cat to the set of heating resistors that I made and inserted them into the metal container where the cooling water was made to flow and we powered them, via my control electronics, from the E-Cat. In about 1/2 hour of continuous tests, about 1.4kwh were consumed and therefore emitted by the E-Cat without any kind of problem.

DC test with resistive load concluded successfully

Wallbox and Interconnection to Volkswagen E-UP

2) Once this test was completed we interconnected the E-Cat to the E-Cat WallBox and with the latter we “recharged” the Volkswagen E-UP for 1 hour, introducing about 2.7kwh (the E-Cat produced more, but in this case the “conversion” losses of the BEV Car’s on-board charger also intervene), without any kind of problem.

BEV Auto Charging Test Successfully Completed

E-Cat as a AC Energy Supply

3) At this point we disconnected the T2 connection (type 2) from the Volwagen E-UP and connected an electrical power strip to the 220/50hz power supply output from the E-Cat WallBox to which both the Fan Heater and the Drill were connected and for 1/2 hour they were run at maximum power. The E-Cat produced approximately 1.2 kwh without any kind of problem.

AC test with Inductive/Resistive loads also in this case concluded with Success.

As mentioned, the “real” time of use of the E-Cat was 2 hours, while overall the tests described were done in 3 hours total considering the setup of the test benches and the execution of the tests themselves.

This is why I have always said that I have seen an E-Cat, UNDER MY CONSTANT control, draw 10 hours of Energy at the power used in the Latina demo.
2 hours on September 6th in my Box (elapsed 3 hours), with the instruments and components I made/used and 8 hours in the test on the Roller Bench to recharge the battery of the Twizy while it was on the Roller Bench (from this calculation I have deliberately neglected the approximately 15 minutes in which the E-Cat was used to charge, under the control of my Electronics, the battery of the Twizy in the static tests in my BOX to check if everything was working correctly before going to do, the next day, the tests on the Roller Bench)

In all these hours of Checks and Tests, the “voltage” present at the ends of the E-Cat output has NEVER been “conventional” (I have already explained several times what I mean… it is certainly not a voltage coming from a Battery, nor from a power source known to me) and above all “in its average value” it has NEVER dropped in its Voltage value from the first minute of the start of the tests to the last minute after 10 hours of tests.

I sincerely hope to have given those who follow the evolution of your E-Cat, “interesting” information on what your E-Cat can do… and that is practically Everything!!!!

My direct experience says that it is so!!!

In the 2 days (6-7 September 2024) that the E-Cat was under my control/sight, for our integration tests for the E-Cat EV and “NOT ONLY”, it produced such a quantity of Energy that any other “Fantastic” hypothesis can be excluded a priori…

3kW E-Cat generating 25kWh in 10 hours

Impossible that a BOX of that size (E-Cat), after having generated more than 25kwh of energy, in about 10 hours of operation, presents at its terminals the same “Average voltage” that it had at the beginning of the Test!!!

This is absolutely impossible unless the E-Cat BOX that I was able to “test” contains nothing but a 3kW E-Cat array…..

Thank you again Dr. Rossi for giving me the opportunity on that “historic 6th September” (at least for me) to verify in a completely INDEPENDENT manner what your E-Cat is capable of doing…..
It took me a lot of time and quite a bit of money to build, without your knowledge, that “Test Equipment”. I couldn’t know how You “would take” the proposal of additional tests that I would have done on the day of our meeting and therefore I wasn’t sure that I could have used everything I had achieved, I had to take the risk and “proceed anyway”…. But instead, on September 6, after listening to my proposal, You immediately granted me permission to perform these additional tests 😉
What can I say….. Immediately, I was convinced that You had “nothing to hide” from me, that You knew perfectly well that the E-Cat would be able to pass the “additional” tests that I had in mind and that I had explained to her in detail…. (not at all trivial tests!!!) And so it was……!!!

Simply Fantastic!!!!!


Ciao Maico

E-Cat NGU Power – Diskussion Board in Telegram:

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